These plays vary in length from 15 minutes to 40 minutes.

Sadie and Ida
Two elderly women roommates face a crisis when a letter arrives from the landlord.
• Performances:
Katharine Cornell Theater, Martha's Vineyard
6 Women Traveling Play Festival
Nor'Eastern Playwrights Showcase, Vermont
Roy Arias Studios, NYC

Pass the Horseradish
A young woman befriends a grumpy senior in a hospital emergency room. Will he accept her invitation to a holiday dinner?
• Winner, 2009 New Playwrights Play Competition, Lake Success, NY with airing on TV
• Performances:
Katharine Cornell Theater, Martha's Vineyard
International Playwriting Competition, JCC, Boca Raton, FL
Rome Community Center, Rome, NY
Neighborhood Playhouse, NY

Passover in Paramus
At holiday time, an incorrigible old man refuses to enter the house of a friendly young woman, until a clever cousin intervenes.
• Performances:
Katharine Cornell Theater, Martha's Vineyard
International Playwriting Competition, JCC, Boca Raton, FL
San Diego Center for Jewish Culture

Strange Vibrations
In this dance/play, antagonism escalates as two strangers confront each other on a city street. But when music starts to play from someone's iPod, tension—and potential violence—subsides, with hilarious results.
Finalist, Gun Play(s) Competition in Illinois
• Performances:
Manhattan Rep, NYC
Wright State University, Dayton, OH

Shirtwaist Girls, Unite!